
Thursday 10 July 2014

Baby Bump Update Week 14

Hi there lovelies, 
Welcome along to Week 14's Baby Bump Update! 
First though here's our weekly Pregnancy Vlog YouTube Video...
Happy Watching...

Also... earlier in the week I did a First Trimester Update so make sure you have a watch...

How far along?
14 weeks just going into 15 weeks

Maternity clothes?
So far I've only worn one pair of Maternity Trousers, but I think I'm going to need to invest in some more stuff this week!

Stretch marks?
None :) 
I'm still using the pure Shea Butter on my tummy every night.

I'm sleeping really well at the moment. However I am trying to sleep more on my left hand side now as I read that was good for baby bump. I think I'm going to have to invest this week in a maternity pillow.

Best moment this week:
 Roast Dinner at Tom & Serg earlier in the week. Chris & I had a real giggle and the food was lovely

Anything making you queasy or sick?
I was feeling really nauseous at the beginning of the week however now it seems to have settled down again. Thanks goodness!  

No idea yet!

Except for a little bit of nausea earlier on in the week and sensitive teeth,
 I've been really good pregnancy wise... however I'm still battling this sinus infection! 

Happy or moody most of the time: 
Happy... just a little grumpy with the sinus infection thing still... however I'm getting better.

Looking forward to: 
Going to Modesh World on Saturday night to present on the Dubai 92 stage and give away a rather large prize. Exciting!